Monday Master Blog: Awareness is the first step to growth

Many people live on autopilot. They get up in the morning and start the day like the days before. Maybe you recognize yourself in this.

You assume that the choices you make thoughtlessly are automatically the best; perhaps because we have learned that these are the (only) right choices. However, by doing everything on autopilot, you do not consciously think about what you are doing or want to do at that moment.

To create change/growth you will have to consciously consider the choices you make.

To ultimately create change you will have to go through the following 5 phases:

1: Denial
2: Recognition
3: Exploration
4: Action
5: Persevere

In the first phase you are still in the denial phase. Unaware of what is keeping you stuck, unaware of the problem.

The second phase is one of awareness. In this phase you recognize that the choices you make are not the right ones to grow and bring about change.

In the third phase it is time to explore and you are prepared to take action. As master trainers, we often come into the picture in this phase because the problem has been recognized by the people who are stuck in this phase, but it is not yet clear how to follow up.

In phase four, real action takes place. You have found what will help you create change. You notice that your behavior, the choices you make, have consequences and that if you - perhaps with an extra push from us - the conscious choices will have a positive consequence.

The final phase is all about persevering. Once you have taken action, it is important to continue that line and keep it up. There is always a chance of relapse, especially when creating a new pattern for yourself. It's about how you deal with this and, when necessary, how you regroup. Always focus in the final phase and remain aware of the choices you make. Remember that every step is one no matter how big or how small. Together they ultimately ensure that change and growth, which will help you to persevere.

Are you curious whether you do things on autopilot or have you just become aware of (unconscious) choices that you want to work on?
I am happy to help you with that!

Björn Aertssen
Enforce Master Trainer


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