Karianne's Enforce story: From injury to injury, from gym to gym and ultimately to results at Enforce Den Bosch

At the age of 45, I had a knee prosthesis due to severe osteoarthritis in my knee. I was a runner before, but after my operation I was banned from running and high impact training by my orthopedist. Then my search for a replacement sport began. I really missed running and because there is a high risk of osteoarthritis in other joints, exercise is extra important to me. I looked for a gym with some guidance, started doing some fitness training and took spinning lessons. I also did a lot of cycling outside. But while cycling I had an unfortunate fall and broke my upper arm. Again I couldn't really exercise for over a year. The arm turned out to be broken after a year and an operation followed. After my recovery, I looked for a suitable gym again, but I kept pushing my limits, did not receive the right guidance and got injured. My “still good knee” also started acting up due to osteoarthritis, I moved less and less, and my weight increased and my condition and self-confidence decreased.


In this quite desperate state, I came into contact with Raoul van Ooij from Enforce Den Bosch at the beginning of 2022. Finally someone who planned an extensive intake with me, took all kinds of measurements and wanted to work with me in a very targeted manner. My first goal was to see where my resilience lay. I started with personal training twice a week. Together we always looked at where my limits were and what was possible. I regained some confidence in my body and my physical capabilities.


Another goal was to get to a healthy weight. Insight into my diet helped enormously and a tailor-made weekly schedule with recipes in an easy app. Weekly measuring and weighing and critical coaching by Raoul permanently changed my eating habits. I continue to lose weight steadily, now more than 10 kilograms less, lower fat percentage and more muscle building.


For a number of months I have also been able to participate in group lessons, which was also a goal, the groups are small and therefore the personal attention is great. Someone recently asked me during a training session how I could still exercise after all those operations and with my complaints? My answer was “Someone without legs can still participate in the Paralympics.” A lot is still possible within my capabilities.


But actually the best result is that I can postpone the operation on my other knee and that I feel more energetic and powerful. Not only physically but also mentally, because coaching during sports often focused on the mental level. For example, my work, my business, what did I want with it and how was I going to achieve that.


Did this all go easily, without any bumps or setbacks? Not at all! I sometimes got extra complaints and injuries, dips, extra challenges at work. But through constant critical coaching and guidance, I got through it. For example, through adapted training, extra physiotherapy or simply by actually carrying out concrete actions.


When I was recently asked whether I wanted to continue training at Enforce, my answer was; “Stopping is not an option!” I want to continue working on a healthy body and mind under this guidance! That is worth a lot to me.


“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”





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