Nadia's Enforce story: Nowadays I exercise at least 4 times a week

It has been more than two years since I had my intake interview with Mitchell, at Enforce Rotterdam. I was born with a slightly crooked back (scoliosis) and had been fluctuating for years between the gym, physios, masseurs and other parties who thought they could help me. I exercised on average 2 to 3 times a week with light weights, but noticed that as soon as I started increasing weights, I quickly overloaded my back and could start again after weeks of rest. At my 'low point' I already had extreme back pain when sitting on a chair that was slightly too hard for more than 30 minutes and the only option was to lie flat and get a lot of rest. Mitchell knew the solution, he said. Sports at Enforce! I had my doubts at first, because I have already had several personal trainers, but I still took out a personal training package. Strangely enough, I didn't start with squats and bench presses in the first few weeks, but we started with stability exercises and stretching exercises. A lot more challenging than it sounds, for someone who has been in the gym for years. While it sounded like a step back, I noticed that by getting the basics under control, I got to know my body a lot better and was also able to gain weight more easily (and faster).

I can travel a lot for my work and I could never be found in the gym every week, until corona. In recent months I have fully focused on getting stronger my body and improving personal records time and time again. While I used to (read: 1.5 years ago) not be able to do the hip thrust movement due to the tilt of my hip/back, I set a record last week with 130kg: 5kg more than Yusuf's PR. A goal I wanted to achieve before the end of 2020 (and it's only November!). Every week I continue to be amazed by the strength of my body, the perseverance I have and the steps I am making. Not to forget that since I started training with Enforce, I have hardly had any problems with my back. Thanks to the right guidance, from Mitchell, Rick and (now) Yusuf, I feel better about myself than ever before. I can't say it often enough: a million times, THANK YOU!

I can recommend it to everyone to start exercising. For yourself, at Enforce, at home, with others, in the form of group lessons, cardio training or strength training. It can change your life (in a positive way). And you know what the fun part is? In the meantime, I have found my new business partner at Enforce, made many friendships and found a new safe place. Enforce is a team. You will never be alone. Nowadays I exercise at least 4 times a week, of which 2 times a week under supervision, I go to the gym on a fixed schedule and prefer to live on meal preps. My latest goal? Get fitter than ever! So, keep going. Even if we are allowed to travel again soon.

Love Nadia

Nadia is guided by the master trainers of Enforce Rotterdam XL. 


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