The difference and importance of a healthy lifestyle and vitality in life


Lifestyle includes all behavior that influences our health. The BRAVO approach is used to make your life healthier. BRAVO distinguishes five themes: Exercise, Smoking, Alcohol, Nutrition and Relaxation. The Z for Zitten was recently added, resulting in BRAVOZ.


Vitality is flourishing in an autonomous and meaningful existence, characterized by high emotional, psychological and social well-being based on self-determination, personal development, meaningful relationships and a meaningful life with clear direction. It's about determining your own value and ethical choices.

Boost vitality by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, relaxing and being mentally fit, which leads to more energy, motivation and mental resilience. Get tips for a vibrant lifestyle and take the first step today.

People who live more mindfully, meet their needs more and are able to live more vitally.

Difference lifestyle and vitality:

One difference is that lifestyle behavior is immediately visible, while vitality is not. For example, I can observe what someone eats, see if someone is overweight and goes to the gym. However, it is not always clear whether someone feels autonomous, is happy, and experiences meaning.

We will illustrate the difference between lifestyle and vitality using a number of examples:

– Someone who wants to lose weight and exercise more, so that he/she can age healthily falls under lifestyle.

– Someone who wants to lose weight and exercise more, so that he/she has a better relationship with his/her partner falls under vitality.

Vitality and lifestyle overlap; vitality increases resistance to stress and diseases. If losing weight is your goal and you are overweight, discuss this with your master trainer, because excess weight affects autonomy and life choices. Focusing on vitality can have more impact on goals and life.

We look at three basic needs: autonomy, bonding and competence. To increase vitality, review these with your master trainer. Example: falling in love contributes to connection, learning new skills contributes to competence, and finding a new purpose contributes to autonomy. This leads to a vital life. Vitality is energy to voluntarily choose activities, determine behavior and maintain a positive attitude.

Good luck!
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