Monday Master Blog: 17 powerful coaching questions that give direction to your life

If you've never worked with a professional coach, you might think it's their job to solve your problems.

In reality, a coach directs you to your own solution. And he holds you accountable for the necessary actions.

The most important task of a coach is therefore not to provide the solution, but to ask the right questions. These sometimes confrontational questions force you to look at the situation from a different perspective.

The solution to your challenge often lies in the way you view the problem.

That's why you have to ask yourself the right questions. Or better yet, let yourself ask the right questions. But I'll get to that in a minute.

These are some of the most powerful coaching questions.

#1 What's in the way?

There are several hurdles on the road from A to B. Identify which ones they are and get them out of the way.

#2 What happens if you don't take the necessary step?

This is what the future looks like if you do nothing, your pre-programmed future.

#3 What does success look like?

Visualize where you want to go. Top athletes do it before every race.

#4 What have you done so far to resolve the problem?

You will see that there are always options that you have not tried yet.

#5 What are you most proud of?

Pride is a strong motivator. It reveals strong personal motivations and core values.

#6 What do you need to stop doing to get closer to your goal?

Don't do more, but do less often leads to a breakthrough.

#7 What do you do to not achieve your goal?

There is something holding you back, otherwise the problem would already have been solved.

#8 What will your life look like once you solve the problem?

Perspective on a bright future gives renewed energy.

#9 What first step should you take now?

Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not on January 1. NOW.

#10 Why is this a problem for you? 5X WHY.

Irritating question, but it does reveal the deeper problem.

#11 Can you explain that?

Let the other person talk and notice that possibilities arise.

#12 How important is it to you to solve this?

Less than an 8 on a scale of 10, then it's probably not that important to you.

#13 How will you ensure that this will succeed?

Without commitment you will never achieve results.

#14 Why isn't it here yet?

If something is really important, you solve the problem.

#15 Can't do this, or are you unwilling to do the work?

What you consider impossible, someone else has already overcome.

#16 What fear or thought hinders you the most?

An idea (of what you cannot do) always arises in your head first.

#17 Who do you have to be to solve this?

Not what and how, but who you are in a situation solves the problem.

It touches me that people do not realize that they are capable of more and therefore block personal growth and development.

They're not playing their biggest game. While we live in a time with limitless possibilities.

You grow from the inside out. A tree does not grow by pulling on the branches, but by watering the roots. Personal growth starts by taking care of your physical body.

Only then will there be room for emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

Sport, in particular running, is therefore a means to grow as a person.
With the result:

– Strong body and powerful mind.
– More focus on your work.
– Blossoming relationships with loved ones.

We are going to experience. We're going to experience. We're going to grow!

If you are curious whether this is something for you, please send me an email.
Have a wonderful week!

Jeroen van den Nieuwelaar
Enforce Franchise Master & Master Trainer

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