Monday Master Blog: If you can't win, make sure you don't lose

The past few months have been 'different'. Different in many ways, physically, mentally, spiritually, professionally and privately. We have all been affected, directly and indirectly.

And what will people do in times of stress and resistance?

Worrying about things that don't go well, are no longer possible, are different from what they are used to or simply don't matter.

And do you know what this creates?

Unrest, frustration, irritation and even more stress. Which in turn leads to (even) less results and so you get into the vicious circle. It seems like a no-brainer and it is, but you won't win the Champions League with this.

Johan Cruijff has a beautiful statement that I find applicable to this topic. It reads as follows: “If you can't win, you have to make sure you don't lose.”

You can read this statement and put it in multiple contexts. But I see it this way:

If we would all focus a little more on what is possible and what is allowed. Then you will see that there are still a lot of possibilities that you had not thought about before.

I think you only lose when you throw in the towel mentally. The moment you run the Marathon and you are completely exhausted both mentally and physically after about 35 kilometers. Then you still have 7 more and you have 2 choices:

Push through and get the result you started for: completing the entire Marathon. And this does not have to mean that you stick rigidly to what you had planned, but that you give up what no longer works.

Or do you decide to check out because it might be too hard, too difficult or because things might not go as you expected. So it works, but it doesn't go as you hoped or planned. And so you check out.

Which choice you make is ultimately irrelevant as long as you are happy with it.
But I decide to keep walking, accelerate and not deviate from my plan. The rules have been adjusted slightly, but the game remains the same and you can still win. Or at least I make sure I don't lose 😉

Rick Berkhout
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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