Monday Master Blog: I knew that NEAT

What NEAT can do for you while losing weight.

Not everyone knows what the term NEAT means when we dive further into losing weight and/or becoming healthier (fit). And this is a missed opportunity! Because it is a very important part of, among other things, the Enforce program The Waste Race.

NEAT stands for Non Exercise activity Thermogenesis . By this we mean; all physical activities that you undertake every day, except for actual sports. This is for example: walking, housework, working in the garden.

All of these activities have a huge effect on the number of calories you burn every day. And as you know, higher combustion (metabolism) will ensure that you will burn fat mass more easily and a lot faster.

It seems unfair; some people eat everything and don't gain weight.
In theory, of course, this isn't really true. Because if these people structurally consume a lot more calories than they burn, they will also store and gain more fat.

There is a good chance that if you look at the daily activities of these people, you will see that they are most likely moving a lot more. In other words, their NEAT is a lot higher than others.

On average, a person burns between 20% and 30% of their calories with NEAT activities such as walking, housework, working in the garden, etc. Increasing your NEAT can therefore greatly help you lose weight.

More NEAT, but how do you do that?
In principle, it doesn't matter at all what extra you do to increase your NEAT. It is important that you do this regularly and continue to do so.

It's very simple; If you train intensively for two weeks and then stop again, this will have little or no effect on your body.
And if you work on a nutrition plan for a week and then resume your old diet, I think you will understand that this is not going to work either. But if you continue to do this structurally, i.e. remain consistent, you will achieve results!

Because what you have to do is teach yourself healthy and good habits that will help you achieve your goal. And they ensure that you exercise (more) regularly every day.

These are simple habits that you can teach yourself. Consider:

– Take the stairs instead of the elevator
– Take your bike or go on foot more often
– After lunch, go outside for a 20-minute walk.
– Running calls
– Take 10,000 steps every day and increase this

These things are actually obvious. But we really don't do this enough. Shame!

The louder the better?
When you start working on your health, losing weight, becoming fitter, etc., most people have the idea that every training or every extra movement they make should be as hard as possible. With the idea that this will help you achieve better results.

But before you go crazy, remember this:

– A training only has an effect if you can recover from it
– Various studies show that you can also burn a lot with low intensity.

During your (strength) training you may/must train hard. By that I mean; make sure you challenge yourself and train focused. But it is just as important that you give your body enough time to recover after this training. Low-intensity activities such as walking, gardening and cycling help with this. In addition, these activities ensure that you burn more energy every day.

Bernd Lösing
Enforce Master Trainer

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