Monday Master Blog: The comfort zone

''I would like to lose some kilos''
''I would like to be a bit fitter''
"A marathon, that's what I would like to do"

Wanting a lot, doing very little. That's how most people are wired. Not right or wrong, everyone is who he/she is, but the difference is in DOING.

The comfort zone is a nice place, but it is a place that stands still. Nothing grows, nothing happens. The safe situation, the easy situation, is in that comfort zone.

"Yes, but then I come home after a long day and I really have no motivation to go," so we end up in front of the TV with a snack and a drink. Comfort zone.

"I'm not someone who goes running or exercising, that's not who I am." Tell yourself that you're not so you don't do it. Comfort zone.
And then complain about painful knees and a stiff neck. Overweight, often tired, etc…

We have a lot of "I wish" stories in our heads. There are too few ''I'm going to do this'' included.
This is because reality shows that stepping out of the comfort zone is an uncomfortable situation.
And it is, but if everything in life had been easy and comfortable, then success would be normal. Because what is success? Overcome an uncomfortable situation.

The comfort zone is different for everyone, it is the pleasant, safe, easy living environment that has brought you where you are now. Is this where you want to be for the rest of your life? Stay seated. But do you want to develop? To grow? Lose weight and get fitter? Then you will really have to step out of that box and close the door behind you.

Is that easy? No. Is that comfortable? No. But is this where growth and development happens? Yes.
We only have this life once. What a waste not to get the most out of it.
Not only for you, but also for what you leave behind. How will people remember you? As the person who comfortably and easily let time pass? Or someone who was going to do what was necessary.

Change your ''I want'' to ''I do'' and experience results in your life. Even better, experience LIFE.

Collin Plasschaert
Enforce Master Trainer

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