Monday Master Blog: A goal vs. A commitment!

Everyone has goals in life. Long term goals, short term goals, big goals, small goals and so on. January is one of the most famous months when it comes to setting new goals. You hear New Year's goals and New Year's resolutions everywhere. Unfortunately, we see that these New Year's goals and resolutions quickly expire for most people.

Figures from the well-known delivery service Deliveroo show that there is a peak in healthy and vegan orders in the first week. Unfortunately, the following week they see 40 percent more burgers and 80 percent more alcohol sold than the week before. Sales of sweets have even doubled, says Deliveroo.

But why do you hear so little about commitments from people? What is a commitment anyway? And what is the difference with a goal or an intention?

The meaning of the word commitment in Van Dale: obligation, promise, conviction, commitment and involvement.

A commitment is a “done deal”! There is no longer any doubt whether it will be achieved or not. It's just decided, and you do everything you can to make that commitment a reality. The difference with a goal is that a goal is often vague or not concrete. You really want something, but you don't know exactly how you're going to make it happen. You don't have a concrete step-by-step plan. With a commitment you have made a promise to yourself to achieve something and you know exactly what needs to be done to achieve that.

Ask yourself about the things you are doing now: Do I have goals or commitments in my life? Neither is right or wrong, but it often says something about the result you will achieve. And it's never too late to switch a goal to a commitment. Make a decision to make it a “done deal” and work out your step-by-step plan on how to get there.


Joren Wielart
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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