Monday Master Blog: A detour does not change your end goal

We are currently several weeks into the journey at a time when adjustments are in effect. The fact is that we have to deal differently with the circumstances and guidelines imposed on us. This is not a choice, this is a fact.
But what does this really do to you? Especially now that we have been on the road for a while.
Are you losing the habits and patterns you were used to?
Or do you continue to do what you are used to, but in places where it is not possible you come up with a detour?

Will you allow yourself to be limited by this time and the guidelines that exist, or is it just an opportunity to take a sharp look at yourself again and realize a detour.

Personally, from day 1 I approached the whole thing as a detour. My final destination doesn't change, my starting point from the moment I decided what I'm going to achieve doesn't change either. Only the roads I can drive on in the meantime have changed. It may affect the time I had hoped to get to my final destination. What I think is really cool is that it is precisely on those detours, those exciting shortcuts that I have never been before, that I experience new qualities in myself. New opportunities, new possibilities, that I would not have had if I had continued to drive on the standard road.

If you apply this to yourself and look at the current situation, how could you apply this to your own life? Purely factual viewing, without taking into account emotions and other people's opinions.

I am certainly aware that certain sectors are currently being hit hard. And that there are people who are really affected by the virus. I won't forget that at all. But just when I hear this, I think that if you can still give direction to it, do so! Choose the right detour in time. And enjoy this road again.


Help yourself, stand still, and do the following things:

1. Make it clear to yourself why everything you were doing is so important to you. And make this personal, so that it really is YOUR motivation.
2. Put clearly on paper the commitment you are making. Make this concrete and specific.
3. Determine what detour, if any, is necessary and whether this will affect the time you expected to achieve your commitment.
4. Take the actions you need and don't delay, because now you can take them. In the future you can't be sure.
5. Finally, I ask you to experience what this does to you now that you have this very concretely again. Reflect on this moment!

I assume that this will now give you more peace and you can get back to what you really want to do.

Especially during this time, I like to help people get their goals and mindset back in the right direction. People who now join our valuable programs also experience this.

If we can help you or someone in your area to get things even clearer, please request a free coaching session with one of our colleagues.

I look forward to helping you with this!

Marvin Casteelen
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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