Monday Master Blog: Do you behave like a cow or a bison?

Both animals are aware of an approaching storm. The cow runs away from the storm and tries to outrun it. Of course that doesn't work, so the time that the cow is in the storm lasts longer than necessary, the cow runs with the storm. And that means the pain and discomfort associated with the storm lasts longer.
The bison, on the other hand, runs towards the storm and goes right through it. This does not prevent the bison from pain or discomfort, but it does limit the duration of this pain and discomfort.

This way you can also look at people and the behavior they exhibit in certain situations. Of course, we don't want to offend anyone by comparing them to a cow or a bison, but there is a lot of 'cow behavior' visible in humans. People are aware of problems or challenges that are emerging. Still, they will try to outrun the storm. This manifests itself in denial, thinking that it will blow over, it won't affect me, it won't be too bad, digging in the sand and not thinking about the problems and challenges that arise. All these behaviors only lead to one thing: more pain and discomfort because the storm will come anyway and will last longer.

Other people behave like bison and face challenges and problems head on. This does not mean that they embrace every problem or challenge with open eyes and without fear. Naturally, they are worried about what the future will bring and how it will affect them. But by being open and moving along, they are able to adapt to the change more quickly. A change that 'happens' to you usually does not come without resentment, discomfort, frustration or sense of loss. You have little influence on that. You can choose to make this period less 'heavy'.

Joren Wielart
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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