Monday Master Blog: There is no such thing as good or bad food, but there is a good or bad diet!

If you want to optimize your life, in addition to sleep and stress control, you also need to focus on your nutrition. I often get questions about nutrition. What is allowed, what is not allowed. Which food is bad, what is good, should you eat twice or 6 times? Should it be Paleo, Keto, and so on.

First of all, you have to do what works for you! This means: if you are used to eating 3 times, then you eat 3 times. If you are used to not eating pork, then you don't eat it. If you are a vegetarian, you do not eat meat. Don't do things just because the internet says so. There is no golden diet or pattern. The only pattern that works is the pattern you follow. However, you can optimize and modify this. This means that you can make adjustments within your current pattern.

“But Raoul, a Den Bosch bun is bad, for example, can I not eat it?” Well, if you eat a Bossche bol 3 times a day, then you indeed have a bad pattern. But a Den Bosch in itself is not bad. One Bossche bun will not make a difference when it comes to nutritional optimization. Nor do those two bowls of chips you eat a week. It's about the overall nutritional landscape you create for yourself.

So there is no such thing as bad food. Something can be said for everything. But if you repeatedly make choices that do not provide a workable system, then you can speak of a poor diet. The great thing about this is that if you give yourself insight and make adjustments, you can create a good diet.

Do you want to start this yourself? Then this is a nice method to guide yourself:

Take a piece of paper and make two columns on it.

– Column 1: What is a food that I know I should eat less of.
– Column 2: What is a food that I know I can eat more often.

Make your list, make a conscious choice for action and implement it.

Raoul van Ooij
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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