Monday Master Blog: Clarity and insight for yourself

“A person who does not know what the universe is does not know where he is. A person who does not know his purpose in life does not know who he is. A person who knows nothing of these things does not know why he is here. So what to do about people who seek or avoid the praise of those who do not know where or who they are?”
(Marcus Aurelius)

When we ask the simple question, who are you? A superficial answer is often given. I am Henk, 40 years old, 3 children and have been working as a machinist for 20 years.
To which I often answer, but who are you really? If we actually think about this further, we don't stop to look beyond the surface. To be very honest, not many people stop and think about this. What do you really stand for? Or are you too busy with unimportant matters and following disappointments and unwalkable paths?

Here are 2 assignments for you:

1: What do you really stand for? Who are you really, what do you think is important?

2a: What unimportant matters and unreachable paths keep you busy?
2b: What disappointments have you experienced because of this before?

Once we know this, we can focus on a powerful mindset, but with what principles can we empower ourselves?

There are 7 clear functions of your mind and we are responsible for empowering these as best we can to achieve our end goals.

1: Choice
To do and think well.

2: Refusal
From temptations that distract us from what is really important.

3: Desire
To become better, to achieve our goals and aspirations, to live our best life.

4: Dislike
Of negativity and bad influences of what is not true.

5: Preparation
For what is to come or whatever is to come.

6: Goal
In principle, our guiding principle and highest priority.

7: Consent
To be free from deceptive thoughts and actions about what is beyond our control.

You can train these 7 functions, but only if you consciously choose to do so.

Good luck with this assignment!

Quinten Aarts
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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