Monday Master Blog: If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

You just woke up on Saturday morning and are unsure whether to get out of bed OR whether to stay in bed for a while. Because hey, there's nothing to do at the moment and there's another day ahead when you can't go to the terrace or take a trip to an amusement park. Countless everyday things are currently prohibited or you have to think about it so much that it is no longer worth the effort. Then you might as well just stay in bed for a while…

Is this you or do you find it particularly recognizable? That is possible, because just like almost everyone else on this planet, you also have to deal with the Coronavirus and its consequences. In other words, follow measures to prevent its rapid spread. But the question I ask now is this; who are you?

Are you currently choosing to be a victim of the situation and wait until everything returns to 'normal'? Or do you choose to take advantage of the situation and put the (possible) extra time to good use. Because don't get me wrong, I know that there are also people who are busier than before and that is also incredibly challenging, but there are also situations where you no longer know what to do. For example, parents who suddenly find themselves at home with their kids 24/7.
Having said this, I want to make it clear that you can choose to make the best of it and develop yourself in areas that you normally do not have time for.

Be the first to make a conscious decision to get out of bed on time. And by on time I actually mean the same time as you normally have your alarm set, even on weekends. Maintaining a fixed structure ensures that you (almost) always remain in control of your life, it gives you security. Also get dressed and don't walk around in your pajamas. Try all this without looking at your phone first. “Yes, but my phone is also my alarm clock…” then buy a fixed alarm clock. Your phone immediately distracts you from what you can achieve that morning.
Making your bed, preparing and eating breakfast, doing the laundry, putting away toys, vacuuming, (sincere) attention to your partner and/or children, walking the dog, packing lunch. These are all examples of things you can do without looking at your phone first. Another added benefit, doing small chores in the morning gives you a sense of satisfaction and one thing leads to another. Before you know it, you'll have your entire house ready and ready for the rest of the day.

Go outside!
The fresh air is good for you and it keeps you moving. For example, go for a walk or cycle. You can also exercise in the garden or play outside with your children.
“But I already do that every day and it's starting to bother me.” Then it is important to stay creative and look further than your nose.

Be open to new things!
There are so many things you have never done in your life, let alone know about. The trick is to be open to it and actually experience something. I would like to give a few examples of activities you can do:

Read a book. Maybe that one novel is still on the shelf that you never got around to. Time passes quickly, it provides focus and concentration, it is good for stress and it helps you sleep better.

Learn to play an instrument. It's fun (to be able to do), good for your memory, it gives you more patience and it helps reduce stress.

Spend more time with your children. If you have a full-time job, there is a good chance that you are often missing out on your children's development and you may feel that you have less connection with them than you would like. Use the current period to REALLY be present. No telephone or TV nearby, but real attention. Play games, go play football outside, talk to them or just see what they do all day. These are all things that can improve your relationship.

Search the internet for new activities and just DO them. Determine what you need for it, what you have to do for it and GO. If you don't try you won't know if it's fun or not.

Tidy up the house: throw away everything you no longer need, give a wall a new color, clean the shelves that are difficult to reach, remove the weeds from the garden. Pick up everything you normally wouldn't get around to. If everything is in order, you will have more peace of mind.

Learn to cook a new dish. Then you will no longer have to serve pasta or potatoes, meat and vegetables 4 times a week. This is also an excellent alternative to the fact that you can't eat out right now.

Make something with your own hands. This can vary from crafting to painting. Maybe you can even put together a new garden set?

Perform a sports performance that you have never done before, for example: cycle an x number of kilometers that you have never covered before, run the 5 km faster than ever, do your first push up on your toes or do 100 burpees in a row.

Learn to speak a new language.

Think about what you would normally do and come up with a variation on it.

These are just a few examples of things you could do to give yourself that boost of energy. Because that's what you get when you do something new. If things don't turn out well, no problem. At least you have a nice story to share.

However, you may find yourself in a slump during the day and find yourself walking with your soul under your arms. Learn to put things into perspective and accept the situation as it is. It's no different and THEN you can make the choice whether you are going to do something productive with your time or lie lazily on the couch. If you can do that, you don't have to feel guilty afterwards about binge-watching a series.

Finally, these tips:
(Video) call that one person you haven't spoken to in forever.
Get up very early just to listen to the birds and watch the rising sun or stare at the clear sky in the evening. Then at the same time, think about what you have now. Learn to appreciate it and live in the moment for a moment.

Remy Jean Le
Enforce Master Trainer

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