Monday Master Blog: Normalize

Normalization is essential when making choices. Because we as humans are not very good at making choices.

We love freedom of choice but find it extremely annoying to choose.

When we are faced with a choice, there is a big difference between the perception of what we can gain or lose from the choice and what is actually at stake.
The perception of the potential profit is always lower than the real profit, while the perception of the potential loss is always higher than the real loss. In other words, we always think we are at more risk than is actually the case.

This effect of seeing bears on the road becomes even stronger when we have to make choices that we know go against the social norm.
Then rejection by the group plays a role and we are extremely sensitive to that.

Normalizing helps you make a sensible assessment and separate main and secondary issues. Don't deliberate endlessly, but make a truly conscious choice and then follow through. Choosing is living and living is choosing.

Collin Plasschaert
Enforce Master Trainer

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