Monday Master Blog: Progressive overload

Progressive overload is a fundamental principle in strength training, where you gradually increase the load on your muscles to promote progression and growth. This means that you always have to put in a little more effort while exercising. This can be done by lifting heavier weights, doing more repetitions, or making the exercises slightly more difficult. It helps your muscles get stronger and grow.

How can you apply this?
One way to implement progressive overload is to increase the weight you lift. This means that over time you will use heavier weights in the exercise you perform.
Another way to use progressive overload is to increase the number of reps and sets. For example, if you usually do 3 sets of 10 reps, you can gradually move up to 3 sets of 12 reps with your usual weight.

What are the benefits of progressive overload?
Progressive overload is crucial for muscle growth. By constantly challenging your muscles with increasing loads, you stimulate muscle growth. Applying this helps increase your strength, resulting in the ability to lift more weight.
Using progressive overload can help you break through plateaus and avoid getting stuck at a certain training level.
A good method is to keep a logbook in which you work on the same exercises for a period of time. Keep a training diary where you record weights, reps and sets to track your progress and tailor your next training session.

Increase weight or intensity gradually, usually by 2-5% per training session, to avoid overload.
In general, using progressive overload consistently is essential to achieving your fitness goals, whether you want to build muscle mass, get stronger, or increase your endurance. It is important to be patient and gradually intensify your training to avoid injuries and achieve lasting results.

Yusuf Akbas
Enforce Master Trainer

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