Monday Master Blog: Challenging times are a necessity!

It's very simple: either we are forced to face challenges in life or we create challenges and put this pressure on ourselves.

When we don't choose the latter, we are often forced to do so. Then unpleasant circumstances often arise that we have to deal with. Challenges shake up the playing field again, ensure innovation and teach you how to deal with setbacks. Challenges often reinforce existing patterns and present you with a choice. However, the basic reaction of most people is to complain and play the victim of circumstances. Blaming everything except looking at one's own behavior and what perhaps really needs to be done.

Last year many were forced to deal with challenges. And don't get me wrong, every suffering that comes with the Covid-19 challenge is one too many, but this time is ultimately good to shake up the playing field. If we do not invent ourselves to another level based on intrinsic motivation (from within ourselves), we will be forced to do so (with all the consequences that entails).

People simply find it difficult to get moving. Either we are looking for motivation (read: it has to come true and also be something we want and is fun) or we need coercion. Something from outside that makes us move. However, this often does not help us in the long term. What if we put more pressure on ourselves from within, took more risks, took on more challenges and chose more for what is important to yourself instead of just wanting safety and security. Exactly then we can reinvent ourselves, with the big difference that it comes from within yourself, you can be more with the uncomfortable, you are not fucked when challenges come from outside and you are able to deal with them because it is who you are .

As annoying as this situation is for many, it is a particularly good time to really reinvent yourself. A moment of new opportunities and possibilities. You know just like me that new opportunities and living from a fit, powerful body is the most valuable. Build a strong foundation this year, put some pressure on yourself to reinvent yourself and reach a new level (that you may not even see yet).

I wish you a year full of good choices, a year in which you dare to let go of dysfunctional patterns.

Eric de Jong
CEO Enforce International
Founder Enforce High-End Training & Coaching

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