Monday Master Blog: By what standard do you live?

Everyone recognizes it: you perform many actions and activities on autopilot. You have a certain structure in the week. A certain pattern. Do you ever consider which structure and pattern you use? These are your standards. Your standard says something about what your 'normal' is. These standards say a lot about you as a person. There is no right or wrong in this. However, your standards have a lot of influence on many different aspects of your life.

For example, what is your standard when you come home from a long day at work? Do you plop down on the couch or are you really enthusiastic for the people waiting for you at home?

And after that? After a long day of work, are you still going to be in the kitchen to prepare a good and healthy meal or will it be a ready-made meal? It's neither right nor wrong, but it says something about your standard as a person.

If you have set a goal for yourself and want to achieve it, you will have to change or adjust one or more of those standards. The standards you currently use have brought you where you are today. These standards have not brought you to that one goal.

Find this deeper layer within yourself. What standards do you use that get in the way of your goal? Map out these standards and take a critical look at them.

If you find this difficult, which is very easy to understand, do this with the help of a coach. Mapping your own standards can sometimes be quite confrontational and uncomfortable. But sometimes it is true that the most growth can be found in uncomfortable situations. So don't be afraid to do this, because again there is no right or wrong in this story. But the standard you create will have a lot of influence on your life!

Joren Wielart
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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