Monday Master Blog: What is motivation?

Motivation is the inner drive that drives us to action and behavior. It is a complex interplay of biological, emotional, social and psychological factors. Motivation can come from external sources, such as rewards and recognition, but also from internal sources, such as personal values, passions and goals.

There are different types of motivation that can influence our behavior:

1. Extrinsic motivation: This motivation comes from external incentives, such as money, praise or recognition. While it can be effective at temporarily encouraging behavior, it is often not sustainable in the long term.

2. Intrinsic motivation: This is the motivation that comes from the joy and satisfaction of the activity itself. Intrinsic motivation is powerful because it promotes long-term commitment and enables people to overcome obstacles.

Motivation is a dynamic process that is influenced by several factors. Some important factors are:

– Setting goals: Setting clear and achievable goals helps to keep motivation high. It allows us to measure our progress and focus on what's important.

– Self-confidence: Believing in our abilities and having the confidence that we can be successful drives our motivation to take on challenges.

– Environment: A supportive and inspiring environment can increase our motivation. Positive role models and a community that appreciates our efforts can encourage us to continue.

Motivation can sometimes come with ups & downs, here are some tips to keep the fire burning:

– Self-awareness: Understand what drives you and why certain goals are important to you. This helps you understand your intrinsic motivators.

– Visualization: Picture yourself achieving your goals. Visualization can be a powerful tool in sticking to your ambitions.

– Celebrating milestones: Reward yourself for achieving interim goals. Celebrating progress motivates you to keep going.

– Positive environment: Find people who support you and encourage you. A support network can play a crucial role in maintaining motivation.

And from here with a straight line vision to achieving your commitment! Good luck!

Gianni Van Dooren
Enforce Master Trainer

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