Register now for the Enforce Marathon Experience

What is it like to run a marathon?

Many runners dream of completing the magical distance of the marathon. It is quite an achievement to cover 42.2 km running.

Because of this challenge there are many bucket list runners; runners who want to run a marathon once in their lives. And admittedly, a marathon can be a life-changing experience.

So you don't run the marathon for your bucket list, but to grow as a person.

At Enforce we know the impact of the marathon. Several Master Trainers have experience at this mythical distance.

But you will have to approach it wisely….

Unfortunately, 1 in 5 runners becomes so injured that they do not appear at the start. Research confirms that half of marathon runners use painkillers to reach the finish line.

That's probably not the way you want to experience the marathon. You want to perform and enjoy at the same time. These seemingly contradictory things can happen at the same time. Provided you are well prepared.

At Enforce we empower you for who you are. We let you experience what you are really capable of if you start living from a powerful foundation; a strong and fit body.

We have developed the Marathon Experience especially for experienced runners who have the ambition to run a marathon where performance and enjoyment are central.

Together with your own Enforce Master Trainer, you will follow a tailor-made program, where you will be ready for the marathon in six months. Together with runners from all over the country, we form a community that strengthens each other in achieving goals.

This route is therefore ideal for experienced runners who want to be well prepared at the start and can use good support. You can participate successfully if you can now run 15-20 km in a row. Pace is secondary.

Start your Enforce Marathon Experience and experience that:

– Improve running performance without training hard.
– We do it together through the support of your trainer and the community.
– You will become fitter than ever and bursting with energy.
– The marathon is more accessible than ever if you invest in yourself.

Have you become curious about your marathon experience? Then sign up for the free online Masterclass Marathon Experience on June 14 at 8:00 PM.

During the masterclass we will discuss, among other things:

– 3 Reasons Why Most Runners Don't Achieve Success.
– The importance of good running technique for injury-free running.
– Strength training for runners.
– Tame your limiting thoughts with a powerful mindset.

Register here for the free online Masterclass Marathon Experience.

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