Enforce franchise formula grows together with Raoul van Ooij in challenging times

At a time when vitality and health are becoming increasingly important, Ossenaar Raoul van Ooij chooses to grow together with Enforce and will open Enforce Den Bosch as a franchisee and master trainer. Raoul manages his own company and is at the same time part of a strong brand and a fast-growing franchise organization with full support on all fronts.

Raoul van Ooij, Enforce Den Bosch:
“It was clear to me from an early age that I was going to work in the field of Sports and Exercise, so where I have now arrived is no surprise. With a broad interest in the field and my curiosity in the musculoskeletal system and behavior, I have taken an interesting path within this industry over the last 13 years. From teaching primary school students, to setting up exercise projects with the elderly and my experience as a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach, to training top athletes, have ensured that I have gained a good understanding of sports, people and mind. Through these experiences I have been able to guide many different types of people and athletes towards their goals. Ultimately, we are all different, but we do have one thing in common: Excuses and excuses are very easy to make and if you are not clear why and what you want to achieve, you will not succeed.

In our current society this is only emphasized. It all has to be done quickly, you really don't have time for yourself, let alone those around you. It's easier to grab a microwave meal and there are also 100's of fast food restaurants that sell complete 'meals' for a pittance. Furthermore, people also want to exercise at least once a week and preferably add mindfulness to this. And all this in combination with your job, family, friends and other obligations. There is a lot on our plate and this leads to many excuses! But is there really that much on our plate? When you become aware of what you do, how you do it and why you do it and you can clarify this for yourself, no mountain is too high. I also believe that small changes will bring about big results and this philosophy is the basis of my training.

Within my vision, I quickly saw similarities with Enforce and after meeting Eric de Jong and Peter Blommaert, it soon became clear that this was a fit. So I can't wait to get started with Enforce Den Bosch, where I can open a studio fully equipped by Matrix in September in the brand new and sleek hotel The Den of the Odyssey Group. Because we are currently living in a challenging period in which vitality is extra important, while there are fewer and fewer options, I will be offering my training outside from June. This way, anyone from Den Bosch and the surrounding area who chooses growth can follow their path with me to become a vital leader.”

Eric de Jong, CEO Enforce International:
“Raoul is a young professional with a passion for sports and the drive to convey this to others. With an HBO Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Education (Sport & Wellness), a minor in Sport Performance, Performance Improvement as a graduation trajectory and experience during his studies as a Sport Performance Trainer with the Jong Oranje team of the KNBSB, Raoul has laid an excellent foundation for a career in our industry. Raoul has trained coaches, provided training at the highest level, written policy plans and further built up his movement analytical knowledge. After completing his studies, he started working as a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach, where he took care of programs regarding rehabilitation, special target groups and lifestyle diseases. This theoretical and practice-oriented background gives Raoul the tools and foundation to make his branch in Den Bosch a successful business as an Enforce franchisee.

More news about the opening date at The Den hotel soon.

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