You can use language to describe your life or to create your life. When you say 'what
a beautiful day', that of course has nothing to do with that day. This is descriptive language.
But if you say to someone 'I promise I will deliver your order before five o'clock this afternoon',
and sincerely mean it, you have changed something about that other person's day. You have someone
lives affected by what you said. This is explanatory language.
You'll have to use both. Suppose you have been on holiday and I am interested
in what that holiday was like, but you can't use descriptive language, then you can me
never convey what your holiday was like (context).
Explanatory language is the basis needed to open up circles and create new futures
create new realities.
Explanatory language is made up of a number of components: (tool in language to predict your future
to create):
Declarations: I am going to lose 10 kg in the next 10 weeks
Promises: to exercise once a week, 4 times a week
Requests: Could you cook something healthy for us?
If you then do this and live by it, you will get results from it.
The endless circle of being 10 kg overweight is then broken, and the endless conversation
with yourself and others that you should actually eat healthier and exercise more
have all been broken as well.
We can create and respond in life. When creating we use our two
higher hemispheres instead of our purely reactive reptilian brain.
And in order to create, you will have to slow down (without rushing into everything at once
respond) need to be aware of what is going on now, who you are, what you do and what comes out
your mouth comes.
From the day you could speak, you have built your life on explanatory language
to use. Important question to ask yourself:
Is it explanatory language that is very workable and that cites a future that you want
create, or is it explanatory language that quotes your programmed future, the
future that will soon be here.
Suppose you want to consciously create explanatory language to create a new future, what is
then valuable to start making explanatory language workable:
– What are the current statements you are making? (The future you live in) that one
recognize yourself by saying 'I AM…..' and paying attention to what comes out of your mouth, and then mapping
what are the explanations to do, to get what I want.
– Someone who wants to create a future that he/she has never created before, will do so
mean that you have to become someone you have never been before. That
means you have to go and see, what are the statements I make from here
have. About your future and who you are. You have to fall for those two statements
shifts, and you tailor them to the future you want to create.
Lisa Traas
Enforce Master Trainer
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