Monday Master Blog: Pippi's lessons

I think we all know Pippi Longstocking, I was a loyal viewer as a child and looked up to her.

She was headstrong.
She was strong because she could lift a horse.
She wore the clothes she liked.
She lived the life she wanted to live.
She never lived from fear, because she was not afraid of anything.
Pippi was smart and did everything she could to find out more.
Pippi always laughed and conveyed this to those around her.
Pippi was enterprising and always thought in terms of possibilities.
Pippi was Pippi and there was only 1 of them.

Pippi's lessons only came to me years later, but they are very valuable. How do you position yourself on the playing field, do you prefer to live a mediocre life or play AND win the Champions Leaque?

Do you value the opinions of others or do you spend your energy on things over which you have influence?

We are often afraid of things that will probably never happen. Often these fears get in the way of our growth.

I would like to conclude with her most important quote:

'I've never done it but I think I can'


Pear Pulles
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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