Monday Master Blog: Help, I need to gain weight!

In a world where everything is about losing weight, we would almost forget that there is also a group of people who need to gain weight.

Even though it seems very strange to someone who wants to lose weight, gaining weight is not easy for everyone.

The struggle with weight mainly takes place in our heads. We are in constant battle with ourselves, with our brain.

Do you want to lose weight? Then that number on the scale quickly becomes an obsession.
Just the same thing happens when you want to gain weight.

You know that it would be better if you gain weight, but if that figure goes up, it still gives you a bad feeling.

After all, our brain does everything it can to keep us in that safe comfort zone.
As things are now, everything is safe. Gaining weight is the enemy, a fear that we have created in our brain (partly through the media).

Are you gaining weight? Then your brain will protest, even though you actually know it is better for you.

How do you solve this?

Just as with losing weight, when gaining weight you have to put aside the fight against the kilos.

What do you really want?

Do you let that number on the scale determine your mood?

Or do you want to be a healthy person who nourishes his/her body healthily with what the body needs?

When you give your body what it needs. Not too much or not too little. Then your body functions optimally.

Are you currently underweight and is this endangering your health? Or does your body give you clear signals that it is not satisfied? That something is going on?

Then we are happy to help you work on that strong foundation.

Whether it concerns losing weight, gaining weight, pain complaints or muscle building. We know better than anyone how important it is to have a healthy, strong and vital body.

So that you can always be there for yourself and all the other people around you.

Are you or do you know someone who runs into this?

Request a coaching session and our master trainers will be happy to help you gain weight and muscle mass in a healthy way.

Hanne De Wachter
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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