Monday Master Blog: How are you?

No seriously, how are you?

How often do we think about that question?
And I don't mean superficially, but really on the inside.
Not often.
So, how are you really doing?

A few weeks ago I spoke with my participants about their core values.
Deeper values on which your identity is built.
“Your core values are only really tested in times of crisis.”

I can still hear myself saying it.
Barely a month later the time has come.

What has this crisis given you so far?

I see 3 'groups' of people:

1: the group that feels fear and panic:
“It won't get any worse, will it?”
This group is paralyzed and drowned in the storm.

2: the group that is left:
“I have no influence on it, it will work itself out.”
This group is adrift in the lifeboat, waiting for help.

3: the group that sees opportunities:
“If we just do it this way….”
This group shows leadership.

What do you recognize yourself in?

The person who shifts from group 2 to 3 will experience more energy, meaning and confidence.
It is very logical that you feel paralyzed for a moment.
You prefer to stay in bed with the covers over your head.
But that doesn't work.
Pull those covers off your head,
Take a cold shower,
Good cup of coffee.
Make a choice!

WHO should you be in this crisis?

Start acting like it!

Jeroen van den Nieuwelaar
Enforce Franchise Master & Master Trainer

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