Monday Master Blog: Despite is the strongest word there is

As humans, we tend to rationalize everything. Everything can be justified. This can be done from well-founded arguments, assumptions, facts, but also from fables, excuses and fallacies. I'll mention a few: I work way too much, I have two children at home, I don't have the time/energy for that at all, I don't like sports, I'll never be trained again, I have bad genes, I'm a Burgundian…

Strangely enough, I can say that these can all be valid arguments (with the emphasis on can). Some people have to work a little more hours at work, earn a little less, and have a little more difficulty maintaining their weight. We don't all have the same opportunities, time, and genes. But before we become melancholy and fatalistic about this... Are we really just a suffering object in our lives, or can we make choices that can influence it enormously? I prefer to believe in the second. Then situations can definitely make health goals more difficult, but never impossible.

Some confrontational questions: Have you challenged yourself to think about whether your arguments are valid reasons at all? Does a reason necessarily have to have a binary answer (this means this is not possible/yes) so that things are no longer possible? Should we necessarily strive for perfection, or do we choose to get the best out of ourselves? What can be done with a creative adjustment within the current situation? And if something really is an irreversible fact of life... Despite this, what can I still do to achieve my goal?

Now the trick is to create awareness about this. Never immediately regard the arguments we use as a closed door, but as a spectrum within which anything is still possible. This allows facts to be distinguished from fables and to see what can really be adjusted to achieve your goals. And is something impossibly irreversible/improveable and hindering what you want to achieve? Then use the word 'despite', and look beyond that to see what you can still do. Take full responsibility for this, and you will know exactly what is possible to achieve your goal. Namely more than you think.

Scandell Lunel
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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