Monday Master Blog: Practical tips for events

Halloween edition!

Halloween is celebrated more and more and so it is again an excuse to “sin”. And that before that difficult month of December.
I'll give you some practical tips to help.

1: Organize or suggest doing a “spooky” walk.
For example: everyone dressed up and walking through the forest with candles and have a few friends wait behind a tree.
Walking is also great for burning calories and it's just a little more difficult to accidentally stick your hand in that bowl of candy along the way.

2: Make it difficult for yourself
Are you going in costume? Choose something that won't make it easy to eat/drink or go to the toilet. Taking off your mask or trying to go to the toilet as little as possible might just keep you from that tasty treat or drink.

3: Choose “healthier” snacks
I'm not saying you should eat dried carrots and cauliflower all night long. But a small snickers that you can eat 20 of or a bowl of popcorn of the same volume. That popcorn already brings a lot less calories with it.

4: Bring your own favorite high protein snacks.
Make sure you bring enough so others can enjoy it too 😉
You may not save calories, but more protein is rarely a bad choice. Protein also makes you feel full faster.

5: Stay home! Don't get caught up in FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
Maybe the least fun tip but depending on your goals and you as a person this is the best option. Are you a social bird who goes out with friends every weekend to do fun things? They can do without you for a week.
Stay home, put on an old horror classic and light a candle. Decide for yourself what you eat and drink!

Thomas Weyts
Enforce Master Trainer

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