Monday master blog: Holiday pounds? Time to break the yo-yo effect!

Summer vacation is over, and I often see it happen: people who return with the best intentions and have trouble getting back into their rhythm. During the vacation, they enjoyed delicious food and drinks, and when they get home, they feel a bit heavier. Not at all strange, but what I find interesting is that many people then decide to act “normally again”.

But how often do I see that this is a temporary solution? After a few weeks, moments start to come again – birthdays, parties, and before you know it, the holidays are already in sight. Those lost pounds are slowly coming back. This is the well-known yo-yo effect, and it often causes frustration.

What I often encounter is that people keep postponing the moment of change. “I’ll go for it again after the summer holidays,” or “I’ll start again in September,” I hear regularly. And that works for a while – but not in the long term. Behavioral patterns and habits play a much bigger role in this than most people realize. It’s not just a matter of starting over, but of breaking the vicious circle in which you keep falling back.

My approach is always focused on sustainable change. Together we look at your diet, exercise, sleep, stress – all factors that can stand in the way of you making real progress. The goal is not to make you “lose weight” temporarily, but to develop habits that will continue to help you in the long term.

Now that the summer holidays are over, maybe this is the time to reflect: how can you really change those patterns and not just temporarily adjust them? And how can you help yourself to stay in the rhythm this time, no matter what comes your way?

As a trainer I know that breaking old patterns can be difficult, but I also see time and time again that it is possible. It starts with awareness and small steps, so that you do not find yourself in the same situation again in the coming months.

Leoni Heemskerk
Enforce Master Trainer


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