Monday Master Blog: What is possible if you continue to grow and we support each other?

A few weeks ago Sifan Hassan won 3 medals at the Olympic Games.
A phenomenal achievement.

She was asked what her next goal is.
“I can go even faster and I feel like training for it, so that I can perform even better at the next Olympic Games in Paris,” was her answer.

The answer you expect from a top athlete.

But if I say that as an entrepreneur after a successful launch or achieved sales forecast, 'they' think I'm a braggart.

I often hear: “Now I have achieved my goal and I can start doing normal things again.”

The opposite of the top sport idea.

What is possible if you continue to grow?
What would happen if we supported each other in achieving greater ambition?

Just like Abdi Nageeye, who encouraged his training buddy and best friend Bashir Abdi during the marathon to sprint to Olympic bronze in his slipstream.

What if we encourage each other to go the extra mile and then support the other person in achieving that?

So no more: “would you actually do that?”
But: “how can I help you with that?”

We enjoy top sport because we recognize ourselves in the stories of the athletes.
But then also challenge yourself to make your own story come true.

Which ambitions are you going to convert into reality?
In work, private and personal vitality and health.

More sports.
Really be present instead of scrolling and swiping.
Have that difficult conversation that you know will make a difference.

Just write it down.
Put your phone away, close the laptop and take 5 minutes to write this down.

If you make a commitment to important matters in your life, you will inevitably be faced with sabotaging thoughts.
“What if it doesn't work out?”

These limiting thoughts prevent you from taking action.
They don't get you any closer to your goal.
It is your internal world.

If you want to lose 20 kilos and are about to call Enforce and you think: “I'm not going to succeed, let me call you tomorrow”.
That doesn't bring you any closer.

If Bashir Abdi had given in to his emerging hamstring cramp, he would never have followed Abdi Nageeye's slipstream. No Olympic bronze.

We underestimate how important support from others is in achieving our dream.
We often think: what do I have to do to…?
Much more effective is: who can help me with this?

Enforce supports enterprising people in achieving their ambition from a fit and strong foundation. We have result-oriented programs for a healthy body and powerful mind.

If we can help you achieve your commitment and you are willing to work hard for the result, then I challenge you to contact us now.

You've put it off long enough.

Jeroen van den Nieuwelaar
Co-owner & Franchise master Enforce Belgium

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