Monday Master Blog: Who doesn't want to feel better about themselves?!

25 years ago, I had a hernia. This has been the basis for a routine that makes me and all my members feel much better in their skin. A routine that is not complicated at all and has much more impact on your life than you can imagine.

Everyone who registers with Enforce Den Haag wants to exercise to actually just feel better about themselves. We achieve this (most people think) by becoming stronger or by losing weight.

But what does it really mean to feel better about yourself? What I often find is that people actually want to feel that their muscles are more flexible and that they can move more easily. Losing weight, building strength and creating more endurance are logical goals in this. But, in principle, people do not become more flexible and supple. I often hear that people still suffer from pain in the back or joints in various places in the body. And ultimately still feel quite stiff. People are often not mobile, or flexible enough.

That is why we pay a lot of attention to mobility during our training. Simple exercises that make people more flexible, through more flexibility they create more stability and ultimately more strength. And this also has a direct positive impact on the execution of all the exercises they do. Mobility is something that I notice is very underexposed. What good mobility does to your body. Improved mobility automatically ensures that you feel better about yourself.

So if you also want to feel better about yourself, I would definitely recommend that you come to Enforce Den Haag so that we can see how your mobility and flexibility are doing. There is a good chance that if you then participate in our mobility routine, you will feel much better about yourself very quickly.

Rico van der Kooij
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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