Monday Master Blog: Standing still is not an option

Losing weight, gaining more energy, participating in an event, almost every one of us has a greater goal to give his/her life more value. This involves trial and error, but standing still is not an option. In this Monday Master blog I will explore with you what could be the basis of a pause on your progressions.

Choose one priority

Our purpose will give us direction, but without action we will remain stagnant. It is important to prioritize what is most important to you at that moment to get started. There are probably several priorities, but think about this a little longer and there will always be one that is most important.

From a to B

Knowing where your goal is is important, but knowing where you are now is just as important to determine your route. Think of your point B (or your goal) as an immensely large domino and your point A (your current status) as a significantly smaller domino. You will have to create a series of increasingly larger dominoes (priority of the day, the week, the month, the year, etc.) in order to ultimately topple that one biggest goal.

The further away in the future your goal is, the less motivation you may have to achieve it. By working on smaller goals that are closer to you, you increase the chance of success in the big picture.

Take pen & paper

Write down your goals and keep them close to you. By writing down your goals you have a greater chance of success.

Now it's up to you, ask yourself the question sincerely:

What is one thing I can do NOW that will make everything else easier or even unnecessary?

Gianni Van Dooren
Enforce Master Trainer

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