Monday Master Blog: 5 seconds that will change your life

This week I came across a Ted talk by Mel Davis. Mel is a criminal defense attorney and one of America's top career and relationship experts. She says that if you want to change your life you have to stop listening to your feelings and start acting according to the 5 second rule. Motivation and desire to change never come naturally.

According to her, your brain has 2 modes; the autopilot and the emergency brake. You probably recognize the following; You arrive at work and hardly remember how you got there, what did you see along the way? You were actually awake and conscious, but the routine put you on autopilot. Our brains like that autopilot. You hardly have to think and actually only use a fraction of your capacity. Delicious. At Enforce we call this the circle pattern. Nice and comfortable, safe and yes, also boring.

If you get out of your normal routine or out of autopilot, the brain pulls hard on the emergency brake. Hey stop, I don't know this. This happens, for example, if you want to change a habit, eat healthy or exercise more. That costs you a lot of energy. You can often muster that energy temporarily, but you soon fall back on your autopilot. We call this the Zig-zag pattern.

Yeah, you're doing pretty well. At least, that's what you tell yourself. If someone asks you 'how are you?' You say 'Good'. "How are your husband and children?" 'Good'. 'How is it going at your work?' 'Good'.

You get the idea. We use 'Good' to indicate that we are quite satisfied, but that there is still a lot to be desired. It's genius; By sticking the 'Good' sticker on everything, you don't have to change anything. You can go through life on autopilot and continue to complain about the situation you are in. The underlying problem is that you have resigned yourself to the fact that you will never achieve your ideal. That a fantastic life is not for you.

If you are stuck in your life, in your relationship or in your job, that is a signal; you have to go out. Get out of your stuck pattern. You have to experience new things, get to know new people, take on new challenges. Just deactivate your autopilot and emergency brake.

Think about it; what would you like to achieve? What does a fantastic life look like to you? Don't argue it out to death, but listen to your first instinct. Your 'gut feeling'. It doesn't have to sound nice to someone else. It's about what YOU are passionate about. It is very easy to get what you want, but not simple. If you want to change your life or learn a new habit, you have to break with your routine. And if you're waiting for motivation, you can wait until you weigh an ounce. You will never automatically feel like it; you literally need physical strength to get moving and change your situation.

Scientists call this activation energy.

For example, are you unable to find time to exercise? Then try the following.

Set the alarm half an hour earlier than usual and get up within 5 seconds when it goes off. You then come face to face with the physical strength needed to change.

Without a second thought, you put on the sports clothes you laid out the night before and step out the door. Before you can pull the emergency brake (yikes, this is uncomfortable) or start your laptop on autopilot (and come up with all kinds of lame excuses), you're done and this is the start of a new day. You walk around and maybe secretly enjoy that beautiful sunrise or that bird that chirps good morning to you from a branch.

Don't you mind because it's raining? No worries; You jump into the shower when you get home and start the day feeling fit and fresh. Your first success of the day has arrived!

That activation energy is exactly what you need to change your life.

All day long you have small and big ideas that can change your life, even the world. Ideas that can change how you feel. And what do you do with it? You're killing them! That's what happens if you don't work on it immediately and take action within 5 seconds. Make a note of it right away and come back to it as soon as you can. You will be pleasantly surprised at what happens in your life.

Do you see someone and impulsively think, they look interesting? Go there and speak to the person! In times of social distancing, this can of course also be done virtually, via a message or a connection request. Were you inspired by someone and do you have a request? Do it!
Do you have an attractive idea? Make it work! So activate your energy and take action!

Do you have difficulty figuring out what you are passionate about? Then make an appointment with one of our Master trainers/coaches in your area. They help you formulate a goal that will make your eyes shine. They help you take action, realize your dreams and give your life a fantastic continuation.

I am very curious about your experience.

Hanneke Hurst
Enforce Run Franchisee & Master Trainer, Expert Movement Analyst, Foot Sports Specialist

[one_half]The link to Mel Davis' TedTalk: click here[/one_half]

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