Enforce Outdoor Result Program

We have been under the spell of Covid-19 for almost 3 months, or while the Coronavirus.
All kinds of restrictions have been imposed on us in recent weeks and everyone has their own thoughts about this.

Even though it is very important to be in good health, not to be overweight and to be fit, the gyms are still kept closed. For weeks it was only possible to train with Olga Commandeur in front of the TV, maybe go for a run or a bit of walking or cycling.

Or were you also the one who said: “That's not for me, exercising in front of a TV screen” and then you didn't really do any exercise for a few weeks and you also gained the corona kilos??

Those excuses now come to an end, because we can exercise again!

OUTSIDE, in small groups! (and also available again from July 1)

No more reason to say that's not for you...right?
High time to really get moving again after so many weeks of quarantine and work on a healthy, fit and vital body! And there is nothing better than being able to do this outside.

Did you know that you sleep much better if you exercise outside? You then produce more melatonin and that helps you sleep better. It is also the best way to provide your body with vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for your bones and your immune system.

And did you know that exercising in a green environment turns out to be more addictive, and therefore also more motivating. It has also been shown that outdoor exercise can improve your ability to concentrate and ensure a clear mindset.

Did you know that when it is cold outside, exercising outside is also extra good for you? It can help you lose weight faster or maintain a healthy weight.

Enforce has drawn up a results program especially for now to shed the (corona) kilos. Enjoy the outdoors, in small groups, according to all RIVM conditions, but with the right guidance and coaching! The outdoor training sessions will also take place from July 1st. can be combined with indoor training. Enforce teaches you to deal with your thoughts so that you can keep going, exercise and eat healthily. Just do what you have to do!

Get rid of the thought that outdoor exercise is not for you.
Get to work, don't whine and bang!

Register now for a free coaching session!
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