Bas's Enforce Story: I should have done this 10 years ago!

I had been seriously overweight for several years. I had already sponsored many gyms. Since corona, sports had completely disappeared into the background. At the end of February 2023, I came into contact with Eric de Jong through a business event. He had an interesting story and triggered me. He approached me a day after the event. I actually didn't feel like doing this at all, but he put me on the spot in a good way.

That was the kick in the ass I needed. He set strict but realistic goals. From then on the proverbial switch was turned. Thanks to the enthusiastic, personal and honest approach of my personal trainer David, training was no challenge at all. Of course it was regularly physically demanding, but the guidance and encouragement were good and exactly what I needed.

Thanks to the excellent nutritional advice and structural, constructive way of exercising, I achieved the set goals within six months. I dare say that thanks to the guidance of the people at Enforce, my diet and entire lifestyle have been structurally adjusted. I am extremely grateful to them for this. I feel so much fitter and healthier now. I should have done this 10 years ago!
