Monday Master Blog: Does my cycle affect my training?

The biggest difference between men and women is reproductive Physiology & Endocrinology (Endocrinology deals with hormones, endocrine diseases are disorders of hormone-producing organs).

During puberty, men often have stable sex hormone levels, while women do not, who often suffer from:

– Recurrent changes in ovarian (ovarian) hormones.
– Taking synthetic 'steroid' hormones. ('The pill')
– May encounter a greater amount of naturally occurring estrogen and progesterone. (Hormones that, among other things, help regulate your menstrual cycle)

Now we are curious; Does my period affect my sports performance? You might think not, but have you ever wondered why you pack away extra pounds one week, and enter the gym with no energy the next? This may have to do with your menstrual cycle.

The better you get to know your cycle, the more you can get out of your training sessions.

Below are some tips & examples:

Menstrual phase

The best activity during your period varies greatly from woman to woman. If you have enough energy, you can train at high intensity, because it is easier to build muscle during the first half of your cycle. If you still feel too weak, it is important to listen to your body and take it easy. Take a yoga class, get on the treadmill, cross trainer, etc.

Follicular phase (The 7 to 10 days after the last day of your period)

During the follicular phase, your estrogen level rises and an egg matures in your fallopian tube. You will notice that you have more energy and feel happier. An ideal time to get outside more, develop new skills or experiment with new sports. During this phase, speed and strength are central. Choose a tough, exhausting workout! You can have it!

The ovulation phase

The 3 to 4 days around your ovulation.

The days surrounding ovulation revolve around your endurance and strength. You feel at your best, so this is the ideal time to rock. In this phase you also feel confident and socially speaking this is the ideal time to take a group lesson. Choose HIIT sessions, strength training, etc.

The luteal phase

10 to 14 days after ovulation, before your period.

Research shows that women tire more quickly during this phase and need more time to recover. The final phase revolves around mobility and recovery. Therefore, choose quiet activities and light weights. Focus on mobility and technique, and work on your form. Swap HIIT sessions for yoga, pilates, walks or gentle bike rides.
Support your recovery further with supplements such as magnesium (New Care). This mineral helps with muscle pain and has a positive effect on the recovery of your muscles after a workout.

Men have a cycle!?

Men also have a cycle, with peaks and valleys. The big difference is that the male cycle restarts every 24 hours and often causes fewer complaints

At night the man produces testosterone. Testosterone levels rise to a morning peak around eight in the morning. From this moment on, testosterone drops again. Testosterone levels reach their lowest point between seven and nine o'clock in the evening. This happens again every 24 hours.

And what is the difference with women?

The man does not notice anything about the nocturnal hormone production. Logical, because a good night's sleep ensures more testosterone. A good night's sleep is therefore naturally important for men.
In women, hormone fluctuations do affect sleep. For example, after ovulation and before menstruation, estrogen levels drop, causing body temperature to rise. This disrupts both the duration and the quality of sleep. This happens in a woman in a monthly rhythm.

Mees Mulder
Enforce Master Trainer

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