Monday Master Blog: Adapt and move on

Did you achieve your commitments last year as you set them?
Or perhaps you had to take a different route for this?

At Enforce we talk about the most effective way to get from point A, your starting situation, to point B, your end situation. Now it is often thought, and this was also my experience in the beginning, that this line is straight. As everyone has probably noticed, this is certainly not always the case. Things sometimes change.

You may have unexpectedly lost your job, where you had enjoyed working for years.
Perhaps there has been major damage in the house that really needs to be repaired. And this makes you regret other purchases you may have made. Or a family member or friend who has suddenly become ill. And so on.

These are all things that you did not think about at the beginning when making your commitment. And a good thing too.

You can only solve these situations by adapting at that moment, making the right choices and moving on. Is this always easy? No, certainly not, but that's not the case with most things you do for the first time.

The sharper and more challenging your commitments and goals are, the more often you will experience these types of situations. And the better you will become at this.

I challenge you to look back at last month after reading this blog. Write down 3 things here that you perhaps could have solved more quickly but that you still got stuck on for too long.
The second step you then take is to describe the correct action that was needed to achieve the desired result faster.

And? Does this work? You can probably now describe the solutions just fine. Now comes the real challenge. Do the same for all points you will encounter in the near future and treat them in the same way. The steps at a glance:

1. Identify what is difficult and/or different
2. Determine the correct adjustment
3. And take the appropriate action

Hopefully this has helped you. Don't think too long, because usually you know the solution. And if not? Feel free to discuss this with us. Our master trainers are happy to help you with this!

Marvin Casteelen
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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