Monday Master Blog: When boredom strikes, it's time to…

It is very recognizable for many in this corona time: due to physical distancing, we sit at home endlessly, we lose our familiar daily routine, we cannot spontaneously do something fun, and we therefore occasionally become extremely bored. Together with the necessary frustration and loneliness, we then feel discomfort and stress.

Various studies show that boredom is associated with motivation problems, procrastination, sadness, depression, aggression and even sleep problems. Boredom can lead to an increase in snacking behavior and addictions and we can fall back into long unlearned patterns. In short, boredom affects our mental state.
That's why we need to be aware of the effects of boredom on our well-being and learn how to reduce boredom in healthy ways. Bored people get bored little by little, To Bored To Bother. A quote from researchers Martarelli and Wolff.

There are actually two types of “boredomers”, which everyone can identify in their own environment. For example, we know the agitated boredomer, who is motivated to undertake an activity, but who simply cannot actually take action. In this case, the experts speak of the bored person who reacts restlessly and irritated to an uninteresting situation, and is therefore in a high state of excitement. This boredomist is actually looking for a real challenge and is overstimulated, but nothing comes his/her way that can fuel those stimuli.

In addition, you have the apathetic boredom, who no longer cares with his indifferent attitude. There is a low level of arousal, usually attributed to insufficient stimuli. Regardless of the underlying theories, both “boredomers” feel listless, uninterested and lethargic. Unlike free time or doing nothing, boredom feels forced and unpleasant.

Boredom is often the result of a lack of meaning. People do not feel challenged, thinking that the situation and their action is meaningless or pointless. This feeling leads to boredom even faster than sadness.

We are so used to going to the office, we are ruined with the theater, cinema, eating out, going to a concert etc. where you are entertained.
Now that all that is not possible and you also have time left because you have no travel time and can therefore roll behind your computer from your bed, boredom strikes. We are no longer used to entertaining ourselves, to challenging ourselves. To challenge ourselves so that we can give it meaning.

All the tips you can find on the internet are not very challenging. Do the laundry, take a walk, update your wardrobe, renovate your house (ok, this can be challenging), clean out your email box and delete all the newsletters you don't read... And so many more tips.

In short, to be less bored we need to do meaningful and challenging things. But how do we do that, we can't go anywhere anyway.

Maybe this is a great time to really challenge yourself. To take a closer look at your life as you are currently living it. And to look at it with a brutally honest look.

Are you satisfied with your life? Does the life you now lead make you intensely happy?
Take a look at your future. What does your future look like right now? Is it what you had in mind?
Or are there dreams deferred or even canceled? Now is the time to grab them and make them happen. Now is the time to work them out.

Determine for each deferred dream:

• Where you are right now.
• What you need to make your dream come true.
• To make the commitment to pursue that dream.
• To determine the actions required for this and when.
• To create a step-by-step plan to realize this dream
• And to implement that step-by-step plan.

I bet if you do this you won't get bored.
You will be busy finally sorting everything out, getting hold of everything to start living the life you want to live.

Of course, you are not alone in this and our trainers and master trainers can help you with this.
Request a free coaching conversation.

Daniëlle de Jong-Roet
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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