Monday Master Blog: Bullshit New Year's resolutions

In less than a week the time will come, the new year is just around the corner.

Good intentions
Do you still remember your resolutions from last year? Probably, because they come back every year. And let's be honest, what have you really achieved from this?

'I want to lose 20 kg, and I am going to start eating healthy from January 1' or 'I am going to stop smoking from January 1'……. Bullshit. These are all resolutions that everyone wants to get started with, but then throw in the towel on January 10.

First, take a moment to really think about your intention. Is that really losing those kilos, or is there actually a completely different role that makes you dissatisfied with yourself that you have to work on first? Then think through what is needed to be clear about this in order to be/become the best version of yourself for the rest of your life.

Your commitment must be clear and concrete to yourself;
'I want to eat healthier'. What exactly is healthier and what am I going to change about this so that I can maintain it? 'I want to exercise more', what is more exercise for you, is that 2x a week or 5x a week? Is that 30 minutes or 1.5 hours per lesson?

And another point
How much do you really want it?
Everyone wants to be slim, healthy and sporty, but few put on their running shoes and stick with it. The excuses pile up and before you know it your resolution is no longer a resolution.

And finally; make it a good habit/structure (what suits the best version of yourself) and ensure that the short-term goal becomes and remains a long-term (lifelong) goal.

As long as you are okay with eating a bag of chips in front of the TV or rewarding yourself every evening with a glass of wine because you have had another busy and stressful day at work, nothing will change structurally and you will end up over and over again. at the old one.

Maybe I'm the only one, but I really don't understand why a large part of society 'suddenly' comes up with good intentions in the last part of the year. If something needs to be done, do it and don't wait or postpone it until January 1st. This is no different than any other day, so if you really want to, start today! Just do what you have to do and stop fooling yourself.

Lisa Traas
Enforce Master Trainer

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