Monday Master Blog: Consistency is key… but also boring?

Achieving your physical goals is a lot of work. It takes a long time and you often do the same thing... logical, right.

You may still enjoy running or lifting weights, but in the long term everything becomes boring and this can lead to a less good training session or skipping a session. Which in turn leads to a later end date for the process. This in turn has a negative influence on your life and so we continue.

“Okay, but what do I have to do to achieve my goals?”
Beats! But there are things you can do to make the day-to-day a bit more fun/interesting.

*Shake up your routine: this can be done in terms of exercise selection, type of sets (superset, pyramid set, etc.), training splits, frequency and so much more.

*Try new sports: all that training will not only have an effect on your one goal. Go try different things with all those new gains.

*Set of fun challenges: both within a training session and a challenge spanning a number of days/weeks. Have something small to work towards in addition to your basics.

Be careful not to lose sight of the goal!
Discuss it with your trainer to see what is possible to increase the fun factor!

Good luck!

Thomas Weyts
Enforce Master Trainer

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