Monday Master Blog: DOMS and why you shouldn't always chase it

DOMS: Abbreviation for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, refers to the muscle soreness and stiffness that occurs after an intense workout.

Understandably, the feeling of stiffness can give the impression that you have been training hard. However, the absence of DOMS does not necessarily mean that your training was ineffective. Other factors, such as your body's individual response to exercise, level of training, recovery capacity and habituation to certain movements, can all influence whether or not you experience DOMS.

So, while DOMS can be an indication of muscle damage from exercise, it should not be considered the sole measure of a good workout. It's important to pay attention to progression, consistency and achieving your personal fitness goals, whether you experience muscle stiffness after a workout or not.

Trust the process!

Thomas Weyts
Enforce Master Trainer

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