Monday Master Blog: a goal or a commitment?

Commitment is a term that is being used more and more, but many people use it without really understanding what it means.

Let's start with the definition of a goal: it is a specific point of focus, a desired state that one wants to achieve in the future. It's all about wanting and actively pursuing it.

A commitment, on the other hand, is defined as an obligation or promise. It is, as it were, a 'done deal'. It will happen anyway. There is no other option anymore. A commitment therefore differs significantly from a goal. It often also feels uncomfortable, because there is no way back.

A good way to test whether someone has a goal or commitment is to ask the question, “What if I offer something in return?” If that person answers with “It depends,” it is already clear that it is not a commitment but a goal. With a true commitment, it would be achieved no matter what the circumstances.

Where in your life have you said that you had or have a commitment? And if you're reading this now, does this still remain a commitment? Or perhaps you are considering turning a goal into a commitment?

One thing is certain: by making more commitments in your life, you will achieve more results and success than by just setting goals.

Joren Wielart
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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