Monday Master Blog: an important matter

As a trainer, I often see that clients have different approaches when it comes to choosing weights during small group training.
Some may take lighter weights out of caution, while others may overestimate themselves. It fascinates me how these tendencies often parallel broader patterns in everyday life.

Becoming aware of these patterns is a crucial step in achieving personal growth, both physically and mentally. Clients who are reluctant during small group training, for example by avoiding heavier weights, sometimes show a similar behavioral pattern in the workplace. They doubt their own abilities and wonder if they are asking too much of themselves, when in reality they can handle more than they realize.

On the other hand, I notice that some people may lift more weight because they want to compete with others in the gym. This pursuit of comparison and competition can also manifest itself in the workplace. Recognizing this tendency to constantly compare yourself to others at work can lead to a healthier approach to personal and professional growth.

Together we will not only work on developing physical strength, but also on understanding and tackling patterns that can be visible both in small group training and on the work floor. The goal is not only to become stronger, but also to be resilient in all aspects of life. Let's explore your unique journey together and work on sustainable changes that have an impact not only in the gym, but also in your broader life context.

Leoni Heemskerk
Enforce Master Trainer

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