Monday Master Blog: Recognize your problem so that you can take the necessary steps

When confronted, we quickly become defensive. We rationalize our bad habits or worse, we bite the confrontation's head off.

But what exactly do you do? Avoiding or denying your problem, yes. And what does that yield? Short answer; nothing, long answer; in any case not your desired result.

Dare to point out your mistakes in a constructive way. Recognize your problem so that you can take the necessary steps towards change. There is no need to feel ashamed about this and certainly not about asking for help.

Nowadays it is noticeable that many controversial topics have been thrown into the world. Topics we dare to hide behind. This includes mental health, psychological disorders or even the most current; the corona virus.

I don't blame you, but what exactly do you want to say with it? Is progress impossible or difficult? Each person deals with his or her problems and starts from a different starting point. Your goal is yours, the steps required to achieve it are also yours.

Why do I dare to say that my colleagues and I can help you with this? There is no universal way to solve all problems, right? That's right, we don't do the work for you, but we do force you to take the steps yourself.

I wish everyone their long term results!

Jeffery Chau
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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