Monday Master Blog: Mental Health

More than one million Dutch people suffered from depression in 2014. In addition, many people experience complaints of burnout and suffer from stress. One in six employees (16%) in the Netherlands suffers from burnout complaints. American research shows that anxiety and depression are five to eight times more common today than half a century ago, resulting in an increase in suicide cases. Mental health is more relevant and prevalent than it has ever been.

The World Health Organization describes the following definition of mental health:

“A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

This is about experiencing competence, dealing with stress and being productive. It is relevant to make the distinction between mental health and happiness. Mentally healthy does not mean the same as being happy or well-being. Mental health is about being able to function in society and not necessarily about being happy. Of course, the two do overlap: someone who is happy will generally be better able to deal with the stresses of life.

A mental disorder does not automatically mean that someone is also mentally unhealthy. Someone with a disorder such as autism, ADHD or depression can still be mentally healthy. Research shows that mental health and mental disorders can be measured in different ways. In practice, we measure mental health by indicators such as the number of days missed from work, limitations in daily activities, clear life goals, independence and resilience. Other research shows five themes that can identify a mental health problem.

These are:

– Loneliness

– A lack of meaning

– Problems in dealing with change

– Anxiety and neurosis

– Perception of mental problems as insurmountable and somatic (physical).

In summary, the single most important indicator of mental health is the ability to function normally on a daily basis and cope with life's ordinary stressors. This is related to, but not the same as, happiness and well-being.

Roel Bors
Manager Quality & Training Enforce International BV

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