Monday Master Blog: How do you deal with binge eating?

A question I often receive is; How do you deal with binge eating?

Eating outside can have different causes and there is no one way that will help you with this.
Investigate what triggers you have that lead to binge eating. When you notice that emotions are a trigger for you, it helps to learn to deal with your emotions better.
So that you have control over your emotions and not the other way around. The DANK method can help you with this.

We all have emotions and often we want the bad emotions to go away as quickly as possible. Not letting the emotions be there is what often maintains them. Emotions want to be felt.

Indicate: Indicate and recognize the emotions. Name what you feel. This way you place a sticker on the emotion you experience. You pay attention to it this way and it gives you insight.

Accept: Explore the emotion acceptingly. An emotion may be there and be felt. Fighting it is like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. You keep this up for a while, but eventually the ball comes up. This can manifest itself as a binge.

Non-Identification: Don't identify yourself with the emotion. You are not the emotion, you have an emotion. By not identifying with it, you distance yourself from the feeling and remain in control of your feelings.

To calm down: Take action to calm yourself down. Make a list of actions that calm you down. Eating can be used to calm yourself down, but you often regret or not feel good afterwards. Find another way to relax that feels good.

DANK is not a means to make your emotions disappear, but there is a good chance that they will diminish and you will learn how to deal with them. The most important thing is that you stay in control of your emotions.

Linda Pulles
Enforce Master Trainer

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