Monday Master Blog: How are your good intentions going?

The crucial aspect of maintaining newly made resolutions is creating a new standard, but how do I do that? I would recommend that you start with a pen and paper. Write down what the habit will look like, for example: Every Tuesday and Thursday I exercise from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. I confirm this with a signature, put it in my agenda and ask my friends, partner or coach to hold me accountable for the new standard.

I say what I'm going to do and then I do what I say! The great thing is that if you have done this consistently for 3 months, you have created a new habit. It doesn't matter whether you are motivated or not, because it has become the new standard! This sounds simple, but of course requires discipline. Believe me, if you have lived up to your word for 3 months, it will be a much better feeling than yet another New Year's resolution that you have given up after a month.

And what if something comes up and I have to break my habit?
Of course, there may be real emergencies that make it impossible to keep the appointment made for a week, such as being ill (not because it is raining a little outside).
An important factor here is resilience. What do I mean by this? The ability to pick up the thread after a setback and keep going. The longer you wait, the weaker the habit becomes and the easier it is to fall back into bad habits. As a result, you will try again next year.

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