Monday Master Blog: You are what you say

I'm stupid, I'm not good enough, I'm not confident, I'm forgetful, I can't do this, I'm weak... You may recognize this. The story we tell ourselves when we want to get something done. You already start with a limiting belief about yourself and this belief is not only against yourself but also for others.

You are what you say. If you tell yourself often enough that you can't do something, then you can bet money on the fact that you can't do something and that something won't work. Our brain assumes that what we think, say and do is the basis of who we actually are. Thinking and talking about yourself negatively and in 'debunking terms' can therefore result in things actually being or becoming that way.

When you talk about great things that are going to happen and great opportunities that are going to come your way, it may well be that these things actually happen. When you only talk in the negative, nothing good happens to me, when I 'try' something nothing comes of it, then there is a good chance that nothing will happen.

Example. When you buy a new car (an Opel Astra), you suddenly see an Opel Astra driving everywhere. What we concern ourselves with, in speech, thought and execution, then you see in your environment that these things occur more and more often. So keep yourself busy with the positive and talk in strong terms and as if things are already there, you will see that many good things will come your way, this is not only external but also internal.

Start today by first eliminating the word try from your vocabulary. There is no trying, there is only 'doing' or 'not doing'. Once this is out of your system, it is time to get the 'refutations' out of your language. You are good enough, you are smart, you are strong, you are confident, you are everything you say.

Of course, this doesn't happen overnight. But start with the beginning and be positive about yourself, you are what you say!

Raoul van Ooij
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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