Monday Master Blog: Choose the path that is more sustainable

Many people who want to change their lifestyle prefer to hear that they can achieve their goals without having to change anything. That they can continue with what they were already doing and get the golden tip, or a shortcut, without having to make any effort themselves. For example, losing 5kg but still being able to eat snacks and alcoholic drinks.

The latter is certainly possible, but if you want to achieve something it is always better to go for something without compromise. Going all the way for something produces the fastest results. That is easier said than done, because for example, think of always finding a babysitter for your children (if you wanted to), or that there is always someone cooking for you and keeping track of the housework or putting bread on the table. Without having to transfer responsibility elsewhere is not for many people, so this approach is not right for everyone.

To avoid giving up something after a few weeks, it is better to find a way that you can stick with better. It is best to do this with small adjustments. A good example is the number of sports moments. If you never did any exercise before, it is fine to start with 3 times for half an hour a week. Because suddenly going to the gym 6 days a week for an hour and a half a day, after initially doing nothing, is usually not sustainable. Because 3 times half an hour is at least a start that is easier to maintain.

The same applies to your diet. Suddenly following a diet is not easy to maintain because the difference is too big with your previous life. It can absolutely succeed, but it is rarely a sustainable solution. The trick is to find out what is feasible. Aim high but realistic. It's fine to keep the snacks in, but don't let the fact that there is a more efficient way fool you. Every journey towards an objective consists of phases, be happy that you have started something. Keep it feasible and expand it later. This way you can work on a sustainable solution for your goals.

Remy Jean Le
Enforce Master Trainer

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