Monday Master Blog: Do you opt for a temporary or sustainable solution?

I often see/hear from my clients that they would prefer to have achieved their goals yesterday. However, this is of course not feasible. Certainly not if you are going for sustainable results.

Maybe you've already tried it or thought about it: low-carb diet, shakes, keto, etc.

These are ways to quickly reach your goal. These "diets" often work, but do not create long-term results. You often see that people who have tried this are back to their old level/weight after a few weeks to months. We are talking about the yo-yo effect. You do very well for a period, but then it weakens again.

We strive for sustainable results. Yes, it will indeed take longer, but it will ultimately produce the results you want and for the rest of your life.

If you want to create sustainable results, you will have to commit yourself to point B, commitment. There is still room to get off track occasionally during this journey, but what matters is how quickly you pick yourself up and get back on the road to your commitment.

Do you want to create sustainable results, but you don't know how? Then we are here to help you.

Björn Aertssen
Enforce Master Trainer

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