Monday Master Blog: Small changes bring big results

Anyone who knows me also knows this expression, my philosophy. And I advise anyone who wants to make a change to take my philosophy to heart. People with an enterprising character, people who look ahead, people who want to change, people who are always looking for that little bit of extra optimization, they all have one thing in common, they have a (clear) point B (from now on the end point). ) where they want to move.

However, it is the case that the end point is not at the starting point and that your behaviors, habits, lifestyle principles and routines from your starting point often do not correspond to the end point (otherwise you would already be there). The biggest pitfall that we all fall into is that we immediately act as the end point. People also often receive the advice: what do you as an endpoint person do differently than you do now, if you have that clear, go do that. That's all well and good and this often works for quite some time (1 to 3 months), but eventually you come back to your old self. And that's normal, because the old me, the new me, your present-day self, are all the same!

Your brain has developed all kinds of different islands with routes to them. These islands are your behaviors, routines, etc. Now it is true that your strongest behaviors also have the most paths and that your brain also likes to take these paths. This makes it difficult to change 'old' behavior, especially if you change 7 things at the same time. Your entire brain network is building new roads, this takes energy, thinking capacity, perseverance, adaptability, you name it. You are building and walking all new roads, until your brain says, all well and good, but I am not going to walk these rickety roads anymore, I am going back to those strong, beautiful and recognizable roads. And *POOF* we're back to the 'old' behavior.

If you actually want to change something, make a small change. Do not develop an island that is far from the old island. And don't immediately start creating new roads, but see if you can create an intersection on that old road. Make a small change in ONE area of a current pattern, behavior, etc. Hold for a while (3-5 weeks) and repeat. This way you will create a nice robust road to that new island that will take you to your destination! Remember: What comes fast, goes fast. If you have to work longer for something, it will probably also become more sustainable.

Raoul van Ooij
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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